Welcome to MedTec Applications, Inc.
We Manufacture and Repair Medical Scopes

Medical Endoscopy
Medtec manufactures a complete line of endoscopes for use in the following areas; gynecology, hysteroscopy, laparscopy, cystoscopy, etc.

Veterinary Endoscopy
MedTec designs and manufactures all types of endoscopes for veterinary application, including: rigid, flexibles and semi-flexibles endoscopes.

MedTech Light Source
MedTec manufactures and carries a full line of endoscopic accessories to complete your line of endoscopic equipment.

Industrial Endoscopes
MedTec manufactures a full line of rigid and flexible endoscopes for industrial applications. Our industrial endoscopes can be used for the locksmith, HVAC, aviation, and gunsmith industries.

For over 20 years escalating health care costs have promoted a treatment known as minimally invasive surgery. Rising health care costs have encouraged less traumatic surgical procedures requiring shorter hospital stays and faster recuperation. Patients have become more educated as to the medical options available for treatments and are demanding all that technology has available to minimize their pain and recovery time. Endoscopic procedures often play a vital role in minimally invasive surgery. Throughout the medical industry, health care professionals of a wide variety recognize that endoscopes play a vital role in surgeries today.
MedTec has over 30 years of experience in the design, manufacturing and repair of rigid, flexible and semi-flexible endoscopes for a variety of applications.